Quarry Lab Residence

Quarry Lab is residential project set in the rural landscape of North Nottinghamshire. http://quarrylab.org/artists/

I’ve enjoyed being part of this collective of artists at Quarry Lab, exploring the fabric of this Nottinghamshire landscape, sharing creative conversations and exhibiting with other artists. All made possible through several special visits to the residence of co-founders Roy Pickering and Veronica Moraa.

In the winter months through the silhouette of branches I sensed the full scale of Sherwood forest. As the early winter light faded I enjoyed playing with light to illuminate the branches, drawing in this darkness to follow the limbs of these huge old twisted oak trees.

Exploring the delights of Sherwood Forest gave me inspiration to contribute to an exhibition at the Old Neales Auction House in the centre of Nottingham. Potentially this body of work will continue to develop further outdoor environmental art work in response to the forest.

Quarry Lab Residence

‘SEE HERE’ Exhibition, Old Neales Auction House

Quarry Lab artists exhibited at ‘See Here’, a two week long cultural event of visual art, music and performance.

My exhibition artworks reveal qualities of Sherwood Forest and its great Oaks. The forest has seen changes and been vulnerable to human pressures. Once a mighty swathe of forest is now a patchwork of small wooded islands dotted over Nottinghamshire. ‘Silence’ captures a night perspective of the Oaks of Sherwood Forest. The pattern created in this light box resembles a stain glass window which emphasises the fragility of these majestic trees.